New IPad还没正式开卖已经缺货
 Anyone who hesitated when ordering a new iPad will now have to wait longer than those who pre-ordered the new tablet as soon as it became available. Thanks to overwhelming demand for the new iPad, shipping dates have changed since we reported that some pre-order stocks were running low. Customers who place an order today must wait over 2 weeks for the device to ship.

The current wait time applies to all of the iPad models regardless of color, storage capacity, or 4G capability.

“Customer response to the new iPad has been off the charts and the quantity available for pre-order has been purchased,” a company spokesperson said. “Customers can continue to order online and receive an estimated delivery date.”

In contrast, buyers who want the iPad 2 only have to wait 1 – 3 days for their shipment to be on its way.

Consumers who still haven’t ordered an iPad but hope to get the their hands on a new iPad this Friday when the tablet is officially released can always head to their nearest Apple store. These intrepid shoppers should bring snacks as lines are expected to be long. According to Slashgear lines have already formed outside two London-area Apple stores.

If the new iPad follows the same pattern as the iPad 2, buyers can expect the wait to increase further before it subsides.