以下是引用circe在2006-5-25 3:50:00的发言:


1/ 会不会在电话里重复salary,bonus,benefits的内容呢? 面试的时候关于bonus没太听仔细

No. They won't talk with you about the details. Just let you know you got it and the official offer is on its way.

2/是不是接着就在电话里问base salary是否negotiable? 如果不是,什么时候问比较合适?是否要准备好negotiate的理由?把宝宝送daycare算不算一个好理由呢?

They will usually let you negotiate the salary after you get the mailed offer letter.

3/ 考虑答复的时间一般多长?一周or 两周?

It really depends. Mine didn't say it.

4/ 电话之后会有email的offer吗?

Probably not, if they call you, they will mail you the official offer letter.

5/  正式的offer letter一般都是邮寄吗?local的公司会不会直接上公司去签?

Yes. I don't think so.

6/ offer letter是口头上接受了之后才会寄出吗?

No. They mail the offer letter to you. Later you decide to take it, sign it, and mail it back.

