以下是引用haoniututu在6/14/2011 10:00:00 PM的发言:
Oh, I had an ultrasound last Fri. And my baby is estimated almost 5lb. (I was only 30w4d). So my ob said he is going to order another ultrasound if my baby is over 10lb then he can provide me the option of c section.
这个正常范围是多少啊?我今天做的b超,一个2磅4,一个2磅1, 我现在27w3d,这四周娃都只涨了1磅不到,会不会太小了,我自己体重也没长Oh, I had an ultrasound last Fri. And my baby is estimated almost 5lb. (I was only 30w4d). So my ob said he is going to order another ultrasound if my baby is over 10lb then he can provide me the option of c section.