求助, 今天情人节, 我什么也没准备, 咋办啊? 怎么补救?
很早DC的日历上写的2月14日是 parent appreciation day , 我还问来着, 这是什么意思, 前台的就告诉我是这一天可以给家长提供一些Info, 我真猪脑子啊, 一点儿也没想到这是V DAY, 就真的什么也没准备。 结果刚才去送娃, 每个家长给了一份早餐, bag 是娃可能前几天的手工, 真尴尬啊, 我什么也没有。 咋办啊?
我给每个老师买了一份巧克力,附上卡片。还包括马牛以前infant班的老师,厨子,director, owner什么的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/14 9:15:11编辑过]
那我现在去买还行不? 哪里买?
不行就去dollar店,我买的是圣诞节的clearance,都是lindt truffles之类。我没给小朋友礼物,虽然收到小朋友名单好几次,主要是因为我们也没收到过别的家长给的礼物,况且我觉得小孩吃太甜的也不好。
我们没有party,就今天是pajama day,小孩都穿睡衣去上学。
matthew's daycare has v-day party today. the daycare has note on the classroom door last week, saying parents may bring some snack, juice, etc. for about 20 kids.
i bring a huge box of fruit snack and a cake, telling the teacher those are for everyone. when i drop off this morning, i looked at other parents' stuff, some bring various snack, a couple bring a tiny box of snack that only for 3-4 kids...
i didn't give the teacher gifts.
中午去买,然后放到孩子们的cubby里就行了。我给每个孩子做了一个相框,用红色的毛线和白色的硬纸板缠的,还准备了一人一板sticker和gummy candy,后来发现他们班给每个孩子准备了个大盒子,家长给孩子的礼物就都堆在那个娃的盒子里。给老师一人买了一盒巧克力,经常管他们班的3个老师就买的一大袋子巧克力
same here...and i dont go to dollar store...so i got a box of fruit snack that has 80 single bags.
i give matthew one bag when i drop him off sometimes..and the teacher always say that is good snack...so i bought a big box and think the teachers will like it too.
哪里买的?costco?我都不知道啥叫fruit snack。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/19 22:00:04编辑过]
有谁还需要屯尿布的吗?我拿了n个amazon 20%off的 coupon,要的短我啊
still need to work on that conversation land issue. qi si wo le.
我也在找free shipping code。有20 off的code
marchfs,但是仍旧有3块钱processing fee.而且跟feb20只能用一个,要看用哪个省钱了。
你有没长的羽绒服推荐, 我一直找长到脚的那种。
长到脚的估计eb没有,那个Yukon duffle coat是到小腿肚子的,也许lands end有?这种长的,穿上一般就没啥身材可言了。
这个也行, 不知明天早上能有不? 什么颜色好? 还有, 我170, 穿多大号啊?
170 regular is ok. check their size chart. should be true to size. So far I have only seen black and brown for duffle coat. duffle coat might be a little bigger than their parkas. eb does not have a firm time of updating their system
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/3/16 12:36:11编辑过]
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