again, you asked for 4 items, didn't u? and you got at least 2 items correct, right? my point is, among those 4 items, she at least got 2 deal items for you. why don't u just treat these 3 dollars as 'Dai Grou commission' for these two 'correctly-purchased-items'? You could feel more confortable about it.
我下面要说的话,只是想让大家知道我这次代购花的时间,精力,大家可以比较一下,以MM揣测我为攒点而代购为动机,我这次代购的买卖赚不赚。可能有点翻小账,please bear with me. 我是10月19号到SAKS踩点,20号在粉板发了踩点汇报贴,顺便提到代购,然后MM联系我,我同意代购后,MM给我发来5个短信,要5个不同的东西,我一看,傻了,就告诉她把汇总的shopping list发到我的email信箱,因为华人信箱限制字数。20号到26号之间MM反复修改了几次shopping list,
搞的我终于迷糊了。最后我告诉她10月26号傍晚,下班后我去购物, 希望她最迟5点之前敲定 list, 因为我不想再反反复复地查邮件了。
在和我联系了近一星期后,在我反反复复跟着她修改shopping list后,1:46pm, right before she sent me the final shopping list, MM asked me “Is ther any 代购费 I need to pay you or just pay you at 72% of original price? 如果有代购费我就pass了。”
至此我就有点不知说什么了,我在原贴里已经说了没有代购费,邮费实报实销。,帮人代购也只是因为觉得这种机会难得, (除了event的 15% to 20% discount 还有我开卡的 10% discount).
MM在 2:55pm 终于敲定 list. (事情到这儿,我已经觉得这个MM有点麻烦, 但我答应代购在先,只好信守承诺, 但我保留了我们所有的通信和短信).
因为我自己也买东西,还有其他的MM,所有东西终于在SAKS关门前买完了。回到家,我仔细看了收据,发现有一个东西,就是MM买的包,additional discount was not applied. 当天晚上,我给她发信告诉她,我会第二天回店里要 additional discount. MM 回信指点我应该怎么给她寄包裹:
I'm so glad to know you enjoy the shopping. However, I still need to thank you a lot.Do u mean u will go to argue for 5% more discount? Tell me ur paypal and $ I owe u at any time u r convenient. Pls mark the parcel as "returned bag" when u fill in shipping item description. Can u use mark pen to cover the tag's price on the bag? To decrease the possibility duty charges by Canada Customs.Don't need to send me any receipt. Happy to know even ur hobby like the bag.<script language="JavaScript"></script> |
pat pat, mm.
if i were you, at the very beginning i won't Dai Gou for a very demanding person.
if i were you, at current stage, i would just give her 3 dollars. it doesn't worth my time to argue with her.
if i were you, in the furture, i won't Dai Gao at all...........
the result.... a loss for other huaren mm.
哈哈哈。。。。我觉得可以干脆business to business.
how about this
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