

wenxuecity0824 发表于 2021-03-20 07:45

“As for Mr. Praying Mantis, he’s had a stroke of bad luck. When he’s possessed of his head, his brain sends messages to his private parts telling him how to behave. This holds his libido in check until he’s in position. When he loses his head, the messages that inhibit sexual behavior cease—and he turns into a sex fiend. The result is that he can copulate when there’s almost nothing of him left. Yet although this sounds like proof that he has evolved a spectacular adaptation to being eaten, the “lose head, have sex” reflex is actually rather common among male insects. Something analogous even happens in humans: throttle a man and like as not he’ll get an erection, not from erotic pleasure in dying but because “Down, boy” signals from the brain stop coming. For most fellows, such a reflex is simply a medical curiosity. But most fellows don’t have to face Ms. Mantis in the bedroom.”

Excerpt From: Olivia Judson. “Dr Tatiana''s Sex Advice to All Creation.”

大晚上站起来,医学上叫Nocturnal penile tumescence

对应Nocturnal clitoral tumescence
