Kenya, Africa
Carl E. Akeley
"Zebras may be seen in the thousands on the Athi plains and in the neighborhood of Lake Naivasha

"[The shutterless camera's] designer, staff photographer Emory Kristof ... used it to portray the fluid grace of a bounding zebra."

A brood of young prairie dogs surrounds its watchful mother, who is perhaps on the lookout for predators such as hawks, coyotes, and dogs. Humans are another formidable predator, particularly ranchers, who have dubbed these creatures prairie rats and see them as competitors for the grass the ranchers' cattle graze on.

"Summer means easy living for [black-tailed prairie dogs] at Devils Tower National Monument in Wyoming. Until the size of [these prairie dogs'] colony decreased naturally, park rangers used rifles and poison to thin its ranks."

On night patrol near the beach, a leopard searches for bushpigs and other prey along a busy elephant trail." (Photographed by remote camera.)
—From "Megatransect

Baboons share their water sources with an assortment of African wildlife, including elephants, wild dogs, herons, and Cape buffalo.