CK 发表于 2023-04-09 10:37
在美国应该是可以转院,寻求第二治疗意见的。家长也可以签against medical advice" (AMA)自己出院,如果医院医生不签出院,但是自己弄的AMA,医保会不会付之前治疗的钱?那么中产非穷人(美国穷人可以低保,自己不用花钱)中产付高额医疗费很头疼,所以他家没有医生签出院或者转院才可能害怕可能的高额医疗账单,所以没敢随便转院。如果是很穷的,不怕医疗费用的就无所谓了,自己签了AMA 文件自己出院,跑到另外一家急诊入院就好了。不用担心高额医疗费用。我猜他家是因为这个不能随便转院。其实如果几千,几万的钱自己付掉,签个AMA,自己转院就算了,估计花费太大。。。所以捐款上边提到高额药费,治疗费。本来医保下有个上限,出那个钱就够了。
Will Medicare pay my bill if I leave AMA?
AMA Discharges Do Not Affect Insurance Coverage
This is simply not true, although doctors frequently tell patients who wish to leave AMA that they will be solely responsible for their medical bills if they do so.
Consistent with previous studies, most of these patients had government-funded insurance, either Medicare or Medicaid (78 percent), or no insurance (14 percent). The average hospital charge was nearly $28,000, of which insurance paid on average almost $6,000. (Most patients also owe a minimal co-pay.) So leaving against medical advice brought no additional financial burden to the patient.
Of the 453 insured patients who left AMA, payment was initially denied in only 18 cases. All of those cases involved problems with the bill, not with the patient''''s behavior. None of those patients were denied coverage for leaving against doctors'''' orders.
A survey of internal medicine residents and attending physicians, however, found many did believe payment would be denied and warned patients that they could be held financially responsible if they left against medical advice.
An expanded survey found similar beliefs among residents at other Chicago-area hospitals, with more than 40 percent agreeing that they "often or always inform patients that they may be held financially responsible if they leave AMA." Consent forms for patients leaving AMA from two area hospitals warned patients about possible financial consequences.
atients and doctors beware: The next time you or your loved one has decided that it’s time to leave the hospital, don’t let us doctors coerce you into staying by threatening you with the bill.”
You can read his full article at KevinMD (“Does Leaving Against Medical Advice Stick Patients with a Bill?”) here.