My 2-cent suggestions:
1. SF Golden Gate Park - Many places to select. In front of de Young museum area, Botanic Garden, Stow lake, and the beach is a mile away. Problems is the weather uncertainty.
2. Villa montalvo (before 5 pm) and Los Gatos downtown combination. We are not commercial photogs. :) Problems is NO water scenes.
3. San Jose History Park at Kelley Park area.
There is event on 8/14 (I don't see any problem to shot at that time. Problems is that it is gated park and will be closed at 5 PM)
<P><STRONG>Keep the Spirit of '45 Alive<BR>Saturday, August 14, 2010
</STRONG>from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at History Park <BR>In Partnership with the
Digital Clubhouse Network and Stories of Service <BR><BR><STRONG>FREE!</STRONG>
Bring the family for a day of commemoration and celebration in honor of the
Greatest Generation and the 65th Anniversary of the end of World War II. Live
swing band music and dancing, WWII reunion and Aerial Flyover, children's
activities, and Victory Parade at 1:00 pm. Please join us! </P>