EF 100mm/f2: Used many years for my main lens on film (EOS A2). Don't remember why I sold it but regret.
EF 100mm/f2.8 Macro: Pretty ugly body shape. Sold it because I have may Zuiko macro lenses.
EF 135mm/f2 L: Like it but rarely used. Still use mainly for stage shots.
EF 200mm/f2.8 L: Like it. Used many year with EF100mm/F2. Sold it because I have 30D+135mm/F2 L.
EF 300mm/F4 IS L: Get for shooting birds with the 1.4x ET on 30D. The image quality is so-so (my sample). Sold it because not shooting any birds.
EF 85mm/f1.2 L (first version): Owned it for couple years but rarely used. Sold it because too heavy and too big, too odd on my 30D. f1.2 is fun but don't find any practical use condition.
EF 35mm/f1.4 L: Like it and have used for about 5 years. My main and all purpose lens on my 30D as normal lens. That's the one reason I don't need 5D.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-8 14:31:42编辑过]