以下是引用francien5在1/14/2010 4:51:00 PM的发言:
宫颈糜烂 is considered normal here. no treatment is needed. cervical cancer has nothing to do with 宫颈糜烂. cervical cancer is highly related to HPV infection. some subtypes of HPV causes genital warts, some causes cervical cancer. HPV can be sexually transmitted, it is NOT FROM man, it can infect both man and woman. Gardasil vaccination protects immunity against most common types of HPV that causes genital warts and cervical cancer (3 shots most likely not covered by insurance).
Picture of cervix without giving birth
picture of cervix after giving birth vaginally此主题相关图片如下19726.jpg:
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/14 17:07:47编辑过]