I like professional networking sites like LinkedIn.com, you can keep in touch with all your ex- and current coworkers easily and network on the site. If you're job-hunting, you can even send a mass email inside the site and get leads this way.



Know who your boss' boss is, he/she needs to know who you're too, because any promotion your boss wants for you has to be approved by this other boss too.



Prepare an elevator speech, so when you run into some higher-ups, there won't be awkward silences. They can be something about your dept's latest project or the companys' stock prices, as long as it shows you're devoted to the job and company.



Think of yourself as a brand, so everything you do reflects who you are. The people you work with today might hire you tomorrow, so don't burn bridges, you never know who will be a reference one day.



If there is someone or a group of people at work who love whining, stay away. Don't be seen with them or have lunches with them in the cafeteria, everyone knows who the chronic whiners are and you won't want to be associated with negative people.




[此贴子已经被Alexandria于2008-5-17 12:53:06编辑过]