I kept a record for each item I bought from this board.
Agree with mm, "华人的站内信箱容量简直太小了"
I kept a record for each item I bought from this board.
Agree with mm, "华人的站内信箱容量简直太小了"
dui yu shou dao bao guo bu gei qian zhe jian shi qing, jing guan qi bian.
zhen yao xiang zhi dao jia qian, zuo chu bu chang, zong you ban fa.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-3 11:37:39编辑过]
wow, pfpf,
yep, most parts are what I meant,
only at "作为补偿", what I meant is make a compensation.
My dad told me: good memory in mind is not as good as record on paper.
Today, it's memory in mind is not as good as memory in computer.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-3 12:31:54编辑过]
well, I feel what a person does can explain what a person thinks.
So, lzmm can at least do something instead of just explaining to us. After all, xiaoai mm is the one you need to compensate and explain to.
People make mistakes and we all know that. What's more important is good people correct their mistakes right away and avoid more mistakes.
" nice是一回事,在商言商却是对大家都好的态度", Can't agree more.
Common sense does work.
曾经以10块的价钱转25的几乎全新的东西, 还被要求包油费, 我就根本不回短信了。 现在看来是明智的。
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