这个茉莉花的香精油最容易复制....在印度几乎每一个街边菜市场都有! 1克= 5印度卢比
never heard jasmin oil can obtained by distillation. the aroma will be distroyed by the heat. I remember if the oil is extracted directly by commercial ethanol (a harsher process than the second method), then it is cheap, but good enough to be used in a burner; if it is absorbed first by plant oil like olive oil, then extracted by pure ethanol, it is considered safer,purer, more complete aroma, and of course more expensive.
It was never obtain by neither steam nor hydro distillation instead by sovlent forms concrete and saperated by alcohol under mild heat, derived jasmine absolute.
As such, burner pot will remain with layer of stain after burning. Suggest dilute in jojoba, apply on wrist or behind the ears.