以下是引用nofeelingx在2007-10-2 1:45:00的发言:
可是明显卖主没有这么想啊。卖主想的就是包个厚点的纸就可以了,所以提供了平信这个option。maya....then it is seller's misunderstanding, because based on exchange board record, the way she did is not "好好包装".... i am not saying that she did it purposely, but saying that she didn't do enough research before she began a skin care post, and after buyers told her the reason that caused the problem, she didn't think it was her fault...
that is true, but obviously, the general way of "好好包装" is the one that buyer thought......
again... even with 平信, bubble should also be used if it is still allowed.....then it will be no problem with 小管子.... if bubble is not allowed by usps after the policy changed, the seller could communicate with buyer.If the buyer still wanted to use 平信 without bubble, then it is the buyer's fault for any damage...
如果买家以为所以为的平信option就是first class加bubble的,那么只收一块钱真的是太便宜了。也许是我少见多怪吧。反正在paypal打印的话,都是1.13起的(不加dc不另加信封钱)
Bubble is free ba.... at least for me....i always have free bubble... if the postage is 1.13, I don't think the buyer would refuse to pay the extra 0.13+envelop fee ba.......