I don't know what is wrong. Maybe lzmm can explain more.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 13:07:12编辑过]
were the pictures posted by lzmm taken by you as well? They do look differently from the pictures you just posted.
unfortunately mms who do not trust huanban still buy here and believe things will be resolved in their favor.
There are numerous place to buy things which are sold on huanban. Be honest, if a mm cares about price differences, she is more likely to be picky about an item (sorry, not to generalize to everyone, but the higher probability is there).
The result is nice mms, buyers or sellers, left. Aggreesive mms, buyers or sellers, stay.
As I said, I do not want to generalize it to everyone, but probability is definitely there.
2-3 years ago, I don't remember there is any dispute here on huanban. The first dispute I remembered was about adding shipping fee to a price. In recent 1-2 years, there are just more disputes about quality. It is not the huanban it used to be.
no I was not saying that. Not 愿意留下的都是aggresive的了. But after a incident happened, in public or private, agreesive one stayed and nice one left, because agreesive mms know how to protect themselves and nice mms just left to avoid troubles.
投诉率, of course, represent how well buyers and sellers understand each other.
Huanban's mood is really different one day from another.
I remember a couple of months ago. A mm complainted about a coin purse having a defect inside which makes zipping isn't as smooth as it could be. To me, that case is similar to this one. For both, I personally do not consider the bag/purse as defective. However, last time, most mms agreed with its buyer that its seller should pay for shipping both ways.
Obviously, mood changed this time.
1844 floor, the seller's feedback after receiving the purse.
I don't have any problem about what is the resolution for the dispute. I just want to remind "soy sauce" mms not to arbitrarily taking a side.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/15 16:58:49编辑过]
1844 floor, the seller's feedback after receiving the purse.
I don't have any problem about what is the resolution for the dispute. I just want to remind "soy sauce" mms not to arbitrarily taking a side.
it is us who are not the seller or the buyer but commenting in this post
那个不仅仅是cosmetic issue了吧,会夹住的确比较麻烦;我不认为这两件事情本质相同
I am aware there maybe a different view about the issue in that post. My personally view is different. I don't think the "defect" there is much worse than this one. Acutally to me it would be a lighter issue. However, my point is not about what I personally think or you personally thinnk. It is about we arbitrarily taking a side when they are not clear cases. We could just create an atmosphere without taking a side to let them work things out.
why not make a concession, so this negative spotlight won't be on you anymore? I would. Is that $10 that important?
she is from nanjing? She said in the other building, she is a country girl.
that is because high percentage of kids from nanjing, their parents are not.
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