Do you know you can always dispute on paypal? Paypal pretty much garantteed to grant you to return things you purchased.
It is something about paypal you can use or abuse. But it is a solution that you do not have to spend much time to argue.
Do you know you can always dispute on paypal? Paypal pretty much garantteed to grant you to return things you purchased.
It is something about paypal you can use or abuse. But it is a solution that you do not have to spend much time to argue.
That is paypal ... A buyer has to pay shipping though ...
I guess, to a lot of mms, it is not business. They do not want much trouble, so say in their posts, no returns. Nowadays, even companies, like jcrew, do not accept returns sometimes. You return things, they mailed them back to you and charge your credit card for the shipping.
A truth. That is just paypal ...
second this
I guess mms are expecting jshow mm to explain whether she washed the skirt after taking the pictures.
I think it is quite possibly.
My bust and waist measurements are similar to lzmm and jshow mm. I bought a jacket from jshow mm before and like a lot of her clothes. However, when jshow mm started her post last week, I didn't ask to buy any jshow mm's dress or skirt because a lot of her dresses/skirts were of size (p0). I knew her bottom measurement must be smaller than mine although our other measurements are close.
" BR Skirt, SIZE 0, 100% Silk, 全新, 9刀包邮-GONE"
Is this the skirt you meant?
You can not change what jshow mm thinks about you. That is her personal black list. She didn't publish your ID publicly.
Does it look new to you?
although I may not choose to do the same, I understand why jshow mm was angry at lzmm. The initial atempt by lzmm was to return several items. It was easy for jshow mm to think lzmm abused the issues for her purpose.
but you publicize the problem. It is hard for her not to respond publicly.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-7 19:24:30编辑过]
understand ...
Nice doesn't mean not to protect yourself.
I think jshow mm has every right to add lzmm into her personal blacklist. On ebay, a lot of buyers abuse paypal buyer protection to get arround no return terms. Before, ebay taking over "not as described" disputes later this year, Ebay's suggestion to sellers is to block the buyers who abused the program yourself.
This is not about EBAY标准. This is about a personal choice. No one has rights to force someone likes or not likes someone. Even I do not like someone, so black list this person, doesn't mean, I won't treat him/her with respect. I just protect myself by blocking him/her from my world.
Anyway I think nothing is terribly wrong about both lzmm and jshow mm. I don't think there is a place for us to force either one of them to do anything they don't want to.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-7 19:46:49编辑过]
That is an ebay suggestion, not even something ebay enforces or be a part of. Ebay doesn't protect against abuses, they just let sellers know what sellers could do to protect yourself. I use it as an example to say what jshow mm did is reasonable.
I won't have felt disrespected if jshow mm had read and answered my messages as she did with lzmm. I would have known either she just didn't believe me or she didn't want to take the responsibility. If she had blocked me, I won't bother her again.
If I had not been sure I was right, I wouldn't press the issue further. It wouldn't have been a big deal to me especially if I had told jshow mm I had issues with the items.
If I had been sure jshow had cheated, I would had gone to paypal to file a claim or I would had posted a post here to expose her as lzmm did.
In either cases, I believe it is jshow mm's right to block lzmm after several messages they exchanged.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-7 20:14:34编辑过]
I just want to make a point that it is perfectly fine to block someone.
If I don't like someone with good or bad reasons, it is my right not to allow him to come to my home or not to take his phone calls. If I owe his money or owe something else to him, he can do whatever he wants else where.
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