头尾9天,玩7天。应该比你多出一天来。本来想完全copy你的行程的,听你这么一说,那我改改你觉得如何?Monteverde好像离La Fortuna不远?除了cloud forest还有啥推荐?12/28可以上午看海龟,下午去公园吗?太赶了会不会。
12/22 arrive at SJO (图中A), go to La Fortuna area
12/23 sky tram/trek tour (http://www.skyadventures.travel/ ) Ecothermal at night
12/24 cano negro boat tour (http://www.arenal.net/tour/Cano-Negro-wildlife-refuge.htm ) (C)
12/25 leave for monteverde
12/26 monteverde cloud forest
12/27 leave to Parrita (D),play at the beach
12/28 look at little sea turtle crawling into the ocean hiking in manuel antonial national park , and rainmaker (http://www.rainmakercostarica.org/ )
12/29 leave to San Jose, Crocodile river
12/30 Back home
以下是引用smallx在7/26/2013 2:44:00 PM的发言:
不是,我觉得你们应该去monteverde住几天,云林还是很特别的。我们时间紧,没机会去呢。不知道你们一共几天,我觉得如果要全面,最好Arenal去两天,Monteverde去两天,Manuel Antonial去两天