嗯 今天刚听完一个seminar,说得是negotiation skills,来说说吧,还挺有用的:
Power Power is different from authority. Power belongs to who can get things done. For example, you boss has the authority, but he may not get practical things done, he has not the particular power. Get to know your power! That is the base of negotiation.
Time 1. in what time should you negotiate with people? are they ready for negotiation? (timing)
2. slow work= better work
eg. if your car is broken and you have to find a car in a very short time, can you get a good deal?
but you look for a new car when you car still works, can you get a better deal?
3. in this time range, both party can be educated through the process of getting to a solution of a problem
Information get your "homework" done!!!!!!
get to know your interviewer more about they know you even they have your CV on the table
*who they are?
*What do they want?
*Why they need to hire you?
*When they want the things done?
At last, if you and the people you negitiate with get to agreement, write it down!!! Just because written stuff is powerful and believable! At the same time, you make sure what you reached is what both parties think.
还有些具体的事例,例如怎样和老板谈salary。他们提供的方法是,practice this sentence:
Mmmm...It is a little less than I expected, please let me think of it and I will come back to you tomorrow morning.
Never say NO or YES!
Hope it helps!
奖励已发 :D
Power Power is different from authority. Power belongs to who can get things done. For example, you boss has the authority, but he may not get practical things done, he has not the particular power. Get to know your power! That is the base of negotiation.
Time 1. in what time should you negotiate with people? are they ready for negotiation? (timing)
2. slow work= better work
eg. if your car is broken and you have to find a car in a very short time, can you get a good deal?
but you look for a new car when you car still works, can you get a better deal?
3. in this time range, both party can be educated through the process of getting to a solution of a problem
Information get your "homework" done!!!!!!
get to know your interviewer more about they know you even they have your CV on the table
*who they are?
*What do they want?
*Why they need to hire you?
*When they want the things done?
At last, if you and the people you negitiate with get to agreement, write it down!!! Just because written stuff is powerful and believable! At the same time, you make sure what you reached is what both parties think.
还有些具体的事例,例如怎样和老板谈salary。他们提供的方法是,practice this sentence:
Mmmm...It is a little less than I expected, please let me think of it and I will come back to you tomorrow morning.
Never say NO or YES!
Hope it helps!
奖励已发 :D
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