生娃不疼, 听起来好玄幻啊
我觉得这取决于个人体质, 男人只起辅助作用。 就如同一个天生五音不全的人,凭他什么老师也无法教成歌唱家。
命里有时终须有, 命里无时莫强求
生娃不疼, 听起来好玄幻啊
我觉得这取决于个人体质, 男人只起辅助作用。 就如同一个天生五音不全的人,凭他什么老师也无法教成歌唱家。
命里有时终须有, 命里无时莫强求
回复 3楼weee21的帖子还真不是天生的 我生第一个娃时 和大部分人一样也是疼的死去活来的
我个人认为还是男人起很大作用 我家男人从不上网查看此类的文章或教程之类的 但他会顺着我 咱们俩情况就是 我爱说出自己的想法 他又乐于去改进
阳光之谷 发表于 2021-02-26 13:44
阳光之谷 发表于 2021-03-17 00:59
QianShuiDe 发表于 2021-03-17 09:39
如果身体没有问题,普通的捆绑怎么可能出事故。 除非是choking
QianShuiDe 发表于 2021-03-17 15:09
有联系有联系 关联大大的 床上强大的男人 身边一定会跟个温顺的女人 至少不敢太过造次 😏
阳光之谷 发表于 2021-03-17 17:04
见过床上强势, 生活中beta的, 反过来的也有。
我是生活里强势, 床上偏sub
夫妻二人的关系我认为还是和性行为中的“征服”和“被征服”程度有关。如果一个男人在做爱的过程中给你埋下很大的心理“畏惧感”(不是指肉体的折磨虐待啊,是男人的雄壮和你在他下面的无奈和无助),那生活中你对他的依从是条件反射的,不经大脑的。他的情绪会左右你的喜怒哀乐,你会特别敏感他的一举一动,如果他对你有些许的不满,你会条件反射的自责内疚,乞求他的原谅 。。。
一点不夸张,我当初就差点陷进去,幸好我及时醒悟,刻意避开了这种局面 。。。 当然我家男人到现在也不知道他差一点可以完全”征服“他的女人 😄
阳光之谷 发表于 2021-03-17 17:41
看来我是伪sub, 从来没有觉得无奈无助过, 只是觉得对方的dominant很hot而已
不大懂这些专业术语 是“主”“从”关系么?不好意思 到了这里发现需要学习的理论知识太多了。
我还是真实些吧 ... 当你达到子宫高潮时,你就能真切体会到那种欲罢不能的感觉了。那个时刻,你的男人是真正主宰你的“跌宕起伏”的那个“主”。😊
我是希望我提供的信息能对大家进一步的“开发研究”有帮助 😊
阳光之谷 发表于 2021-03-18 00:55
可能我太自我为中心了, 前几天刚有过一次欲罢不能的经历, 我的全部注意力都在自己身体的感受上, 男人完全在我的感官之外, 似乎他就只是来serve我的。
Taoist philosophy holds that women possess three “gates” of orgasm: the clitoris, the G-spot and the cervix. The clitoris is recognized as an easy and effective path to orgasm. The G-spot can be another powerful pleasure point. But the cervix? That area doesn''t commonly enter into conversations about orgasm.
“Women associate their cervix more with pain than pleasure," Dr. Prudence Hall told AlterNet via email. "But it does cause sexual pleasure."
The cervix, as defined by WebMD, is a “cylinder-shaped neck of tissue that connects the vagina and uterus." The word has roots in the word cervidae, a class of mammals characterized by the presence of horns or antlers. Aristotle also made mention of the two “horns of the womb.” In fact, the term uterine horn is still used by scientists today. But outside of these circles, the unseen gateway to a horned womb doesn''t tend to come up.
Those who have managed to incorporate cervical play into their sex lives know that deep penetration is required. The orgasmic sensation some women feel when their cervix is sexually stimulated has inspired the nickname “cervical kiss.” (Important caveat: somewomen—this is yet another arena in which a conversation about sexual likes and dislikes between partners is essential.)
But deep penetration isn’t always so easy to come by. It’s one of the rare circumstances where we really can say size matters. So if you’re working with standard-sized set of equipment or smaller, positioning is key. In her article, "The Multi-Orgasmic Woman," holistic sex coach Kim Anami suggests, “Try taking her from behind while she’s on her knees,” adding, “Women usually need some warming up before they can accept deep, intense cervical penetration. If she’s resisting or tensing up, ease up until she opens more.”
“You can usually tell when you’ve hit the cervix because a woman’s noises will change. They’ll become more guttural and raw, uncontrolled,” she adds.
Annie Sprinkle describes the cervical orgasm as, “A huge tension release deep in the gut. They are almost like belly orgasms.”
Some doctors even take the experience into account when performing hysterectomies. Certain authorities advocate “sub-total” procedures, which leave the cervix intact for the sake of “enhancing sexual function.”
When describing her first experience with cervical stimulation, one woman writes, “The other day, a friend and I were giving each other erotic massages, and while he was rubbing my g-spot I asked him if he could reach to feel my cervix. So he carefully delves deeper and I get this really good sensation as he rubs it gently. He said it felt like a tiny, slimy doughnut. Of course I laughed. So he massaged it for a little while, trying different patterns and pressures. I couldn''t believe how wonderful it felt.”
Hall reminds us, “Touching the cervix can release many emotions. It needs to be touched carefully at first to see how the woman reacts.”
Of course, it’s hard to explain the experience of cervical orgasm. What we can say is that the sensation takes a powerful hold on those experiencing it. Author and sexologist Beverly Whipple began her study into cervical orgasms with women suffering from spinal cord injuries. Surprisingly, she found that the same areas of the brain were activated in women both with and without injury when stimulating the cervix. Carlyle Jansen, author of the book, Sex Yourself: The Woman''s Guide to Maximizing Masturbation and Achieving Powerful Orgasms, explained to AlterNet, “The cervix is innervated by the hypogastric and vagus nerves unlike the clitoris, so orgasms feel different. But since the vagus nerve bypasses the spinal cord, many women with spinal injuries who were told that they would never again orgasm have indeed enjoyed that pleasure.”
If you do happen to be one of those women who enjoy this kind of play, some experimentation may be worth the trouble. Amani says, “When I try to describe what a cervical orgasm is like, I tell people it’s like being on ecstasy. It’s a whole-body shimmer, a high that spreads out so everything feels delicious and I radiate for days afterward.”
It is important to note that not everyone enjoys cervical stimulation. Carol Queen, staff sexologist at Good Vibrations, told AlterNet in an email, “Some people find this kind of stimulation unerotic, neutral, unpleasant or painful—so the cervix isn''t a magical hidden pleasure point, at least not for everyone.”
She added, “I’m one of those women myself who feels pain when my cervix is struck, even if I’m highly aroused. So only a small percentage of women are likely to be having sex with large enough guys to notice cervical stimulation very much; and some of those women won’t like what they feel.”
Carlyle Jansen reminds us, “All women are different from each other—we are more varied in our pleasure hotspots than men. Some don''t like their clitoris touched, others love the G-spot or A-Spot or cervix or perineal sponge. Not everyone is going to like the same thing.”
xinchina 发表于 2021-03-20 14:57
细的顶到宫颈不会疼, 粗大的顶到宫颈会很疼
三波sangpo 发表于 2021-05-30 17:27
疼有几种原因, 刨除妇科炎症,不够兴奋就插入, 或是阴茎尺寸大都会疼