我以前用三星的第一代手机还有pad 10 什么的,后来还是换到apple,不想再换回去了,
iphone 6s, 3D touch
我也不是三星粉,但非得说三星后面抄抄抄的话。不如去考古当年note第一代刚刚发布时期,Engadget有原文,苹果很直接的点名了发行这类大尺寸手机没法用,也没人会买这种大手机,苹果的4寸已经是永恒完美的尺寸,绝不会出大屏。不知道后来加了大屏plus碎了多少粉丝的心。再来苹果一直强调penless的使用境界,无论在手机还是pad上,今年加了apple pencil,敢说和samsung S pen没有任何相似之处吗?苹果是创新无疑,但非得较真,自打脸也是苹果独一无二的“创新”吗?
三星也没像当年apple sue samsung for the patent of round corners去告苹果...
建议看看The truth hurts, Apple fans: You can thank Samsung for your big new iPhone displays:[url=http://bgr.com/2014/09/09/iphone-6-plus-vs-galaxy-note-4/]http://bgr.com/2014/09/09/iphone-6-plus-vs-galaxy-note-4/[/url]
dewydewy 发表于 9/20/2015 11:58:05 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1889857&postid=69138859#69138859][/url] I said apple的创新是概念上的创新. 三星做一些改进比如硬件,电池 which includes your example - bigger screen and s pen. these are good but not as profound and fundamental as the creation of smart phone, 3d touch or apple watch. Apple did get ideas from samgung which is common in the industry
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