Mark thanksIf you are a citizen of one of thecountries listed in the chart below, wewill continue to pay your benefits outsidethe United States if:a) You are receiving benefits based onyour own earnings, and you earned atleast 40 credits under the U.S. SocialSecurity system or lived at least 10years in the United States; orb) You are receiving benefits asdependent or survivor of a workerwho earned at least 40 creditsunder the U.S. Social Securitysystem or lived in the United Statesfor at least 10 years. You mustalso meet the conditions underthe heading “Additional residencyrequirements for dependents andsurvivors” in this publication.• Afghanistan• Bangladesh• Bhutan• Botswana• Burma• Burundi• Cameroon• Cape Verde• CentralAfricanRepublic• Chad• China• Congo, Rep.of• Ethiopia• Fiji• Gambia• Ghana• Haiti• Honduras• India• Indonesia• Kenya• Laos• Lebanon• Lesotho• Liberia• Madagascar• Malawi• Malaysia• Mali• Mauritania• Mauritius8• Morocco• Nepal• Nigeria• Pakistan• Senegal• Sierra Leone• Singapore• SolomonIslands• Somalia• South Africa• Sri Lanka• Sudan• Swaziland• Taiwan• Tanzania• Thailand• Togo• Tonga• Tunisia• Uganda• Yemen(This list of countries is subject tochange. For the latest information,visit [][/url] orcontact your nearest U.S. Social Securityoffice, U.S. Embassy, or U.S. consulate.)
非美国公民离境超过半年,要想再领ss benefit,必须回美国居住满至少一个月。
Ruth 发表于 5/22/2017 11:57:08 AM [url=][/url]
coolstar 发表于 5/22/2017 12:06:13 PM
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