You ask the right person.
In SF CHinatown, there is a book store called 中美 located on Jackson ST, between Grant and Stockton. It has tons of Chinese mangas. But if you want cheap Manga, try
it's cheaper to get it there.
You ask the right person.
In SF CHinatown, there is a book store called 中美 located on Jackson ST, between Grant and Stockton. It has tons of Chinese mangas. But if you want cheap Manga, try
it's cheaper to get it there.
哇啊, 谢谢, 看了一下,
假设说一本书100元, 邮费是书价的一半再加基本费250元, 也就是300元, 总共是400元. 我查了一下, 一台币=0.03美元 (这个对吗?), 那样的话总共加起来12美元? 好像还挺划算的样子...
在三藩买漫画一本是多少钱呀? clamp知道的话给俺参考一下吧
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I am not sure. For example, when I buy a NT90 manga in bookstore, it's 7.50, so if I get the same book on that website, it's around 5.50-6.00. That NT250 is a fixed fee for every ORDER. IF you want to save, you need to buy more than one book.
谢谢, 昨天在那个书店转了好久,发现好多特别有趣的书, 结果今天努力注册了一天,还没收到确认信.
超喜欢这本NANA特别集, 但是不知道为什么收录的竟然是从单行本第2二册到第4册的内容, 那么请问编辑大人第一本是要让人怎么办啊?
哭了, 今天早晨还有四本库存, 9折,现在已经没了, 价钱也涨回去了. 为什么就像每个期末的时候, 每次我需要拿来救命的书都在我现身图书馆前一分钟被神秘人借走?
momo... looks like your RP is very bad...
All the Chinese books should be at least 10% off, I have not seen a full price book on that website yet. NOt sure about Japanese ones.
Also this is published in Dec 2006, it shouldn't be out of stock this fast.
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