OMG, 我娃 six month + 1week, still toothless.......
mine too, love the crocs.......
问问楼里的美妈们,关于DEPENDENT CARE FSA, 每年$5000的LIMIT如果用不完可以ROLLOVER吗?公司开始选明年的保险计划了,不知道楼里有打算明年送娃去DAY CARE的麻麻们吗? 或者有了解的二宝妈来说说吧!
As far as I know, you cannot rollover. All FSA has to be guesstimated and used up for the dedicated year. That's why it's such a big deal that every family has to estimate the cost for the coming year...
My son loves to gnaw on my face lately so my face is always covered w/his saliva As a result, I am afraid of using facial cream too... Any other baby has the same behavior?
If I'm in your shoes, I'd choose sending to day care now, since 宓雅 will inevitablely get sick from the daycare germs in the first couple of months based on my experience. Your inlaws can help taking care of the baby on sick days. It'd also be helpful for 宓雅 to adjust for daycare by gong half days for a couple of weeks. You can always switch to the more expensive one if you want later.
大家的宝宝都睡整晚觉了吗? 这周末我总共也就睡不到八小时。 昨晚小人 1:45准时开始叫。等了大概一小时,小人还是叫叫停停,我就投降了。到了宝宝的房间,给了点水,被要求陪睡。倒下后,小人特高兴,亲了我好几下。我还没开心完,小人就要求我坐起来。然后就开始折腾,把枕头和毯子搬运到脚头,要我掉头睡, 躺下后 1min. 后又要求我坐起来, 重新把毯子卷成一团, 摁着我要我躺下, 躺下后 1min. 又要喝水。如此do loop for 2hrs。。。最后宝爹受不了,过来接班,我才睡了一小时。。。
是啊是啊,俺要来BSO一下, 团小团走路进步飞快,上周二才刚开始会走几步,昨天已经可以在家里几个房间转来转去了,还会自己转弯,甚至开始想上楼梯.而且不让人扶,摔倒了一定要自己爬起来再走,俺觉得她应该很快就能开跑了
俺目前在用以前屯的gerber infant tooth cleanser, 用完打算买ISAY 美妈推荐的weleda children tooth gel
我们之前也用gerber的,可是只有四颗牙的小人总用力的咬。 隔着那个橡胶套子还清楚的留下小牙印子。我肯定如果没有那个橡胶套子,我的手指一定血肉模糊。。。
same here...... it's easier when mine is asleep in the car seat since it'll be easier to access those little toes....
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/18 12:45:02编辑过]
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