get friend from mris, and check their db out daily, few month before you buying the house; if you dont have mris friend, then the their DB has the most current datas, alone with address on them.

and also keep urself update with the morgage rate at same time, but dont quote too many time cause too many pulling ur credit report will lower ur credit.

condition, hmm, not so much of usage, most chinese agent give 1% rebate back, and some would do for 1.5%. seller sometime give bonus at open house. contract, etc would not be a big deal, at least to me. if you like the house, you will definally do the inspections, etc. so you maybe get some credit back from seller, or letting them fix it.

housing stuff, i think, you wouldnt want to sign form so you can use a agent to buy house for 3 month, etc. good agent wont let u do it. only bad ones will. so forget them.

[此贴子已经被作者于11/10/2003 11:33:53 AM编辑过]