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06-07-24 23:50操作

前几天,CCTV4上,不知道什么比赛,我型我秀? 还是什么,就是参赛的青年女孩们,估计都是对fashion业很感兴趣的,现场用料子设计服装,给自己设计, 然后专业的时尚设计师给点评。

不得不服啊! 专业人士对色调,对面料,对搭配的感觉真是到位,当然这位男专业人士自己的装扮真是让人分特,很异类,很朋可。 不过,人家搞艺术的嘛,可以理解。


这时候另外一个女孩就笑了,她设计的也是裙子,不过是分身的,下面是低腰的裙子,中间露出腰部(很棒的腰围),上面类似内衣外穿那样的Bra的东东, 很有吉普撒女郎的味道。

专家说, 你看这个女孩的设计,她就知道突出自己的优点,比如她的腰围和臀围非常出众,她就大胆的把腰部,臀部露出来,非常出彩。 女孩正要得意的笑儿,我得意的笑儿。

这个专家gg说, 但是呢,这种小上装,对胸围的要求比较高,咪咪最好有一定的尺寸,才能衬的出女性线条的曲线。


专家不依不饶,问,你是不是A cup啊?


第三个女孩用的是荷花的淡紫色做的一件裙子, 专家说,这个颜色和女孩的肤色很配,衬的女孩的皮肤更白,更健康,一看就是下了功夫的。不过, 裙子肩部那个装饰性的大红花的颜色,是个败笔。 荷花的淡紫和红色是不协调的。如果用乳色的,甚至白色的花就很好了。

真是长见识啊! 当年真该学fashion design去啊!!!! 只要打着时尚专业人士的牌子,真是上去就摸人家的玉体啊!!! 羡慕坏了,呵呵//   又想起一个西方的时装设计师,走在路上,一个女子认出她,非要让他给指点一下自己的装扮, 这男人兽行大发啊,上去就把白色衬衣的纽扣很扯掉两个,一下子小半个胸上部就活脱脱的出现了,然后,拽起裙子的一角,往上一撕,呲~~~~~~~~~~~啦~~~!!!就给扯到快到大腿根部了。 让后接着让女的把高跟鞋里的丝袜脱下来, 咔咔往腰上和裙子上看似很随意的一拴, 塞!!!!真出效果啊!一下子风情万种, 性感十足啊!










[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-24 23:53:34编辑过]

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06-07-24 23:56操作
以下是引用May在2006-7-24 23:53:00的发言:

别笑,我们是很严肃的谈论fashion design的!  
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06-07-24 23:57操作
以下是引用daka在2006-7-24 23:54:00的发言:

Exactly!!!!! 你说也真奇怪, 西方时尚设计的经典大牛们,同性恋的太多了,就不要细说了。

中国现在也这样,我楼上说的那个男专业人士,打扮的太gay了,实在是太gay了。 真的!!!

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06-07-25 00:00操作
以下是引用dryad在2006-7-24 23:59:00的发言:



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06-07-25 00:09操作
以下是引用daka在2006-7-25 0:02:00的发言:


是啊,是啊,不过道理虽然如此,做不了经典大牛,哪怕做一个普通的时装设计工作者,光明正大的揩油的机会也真多啊! 楼上那位专业男子,手放在女性的身上,游刃有余,光明正大,反倒是弄得人家女孩觉得自己脸红,就是自己想法太复杂,太色情了似的![em16]

又想起,巩俐演的那个裁缝的电影,她是个妓女,知名的妓女,一个小裁缝, 她让那个小裁缝摸遍她的身体,处男的小裁缝浑身紧张啊, 量尺寸都量不准,哆嗦的很。巩俐说,你一个裁缝,经常给女人做衣服, 手放到女人身上这么哆嗦, 连女人的身体都不了解,怎么能成为裁缝业的高手呢!!! 话虽然色情,但还是有其时尚的道理的。

所以也难怪, 这么多经典的时尚设计大牛们,几乎我们知道的各个顶级名牌的设计者,都不乏男同性恋者的身影。或许正是他们对女性身体,有着高于性欲认知后的审美认知,才让他们成为让女性青睐的Fashion 设计之牛啊!



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06-07-25 00:43操作
以下是引用daka在2006-7-25 0:17:00的发言:

什么意思? 具体说说。 [em04]
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06-07-25 00:45操作
那个gg果然是同性恋!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [em03]
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06-07-25 02:05操作


Why do gay men dominate the fashion industry?

The NYT asks
[There's] a growing tension between those who feel they are discriminated against and those who feel somewhat favored by a perception, largely unexamined, that men are better designers than women, and gay men are the best designers of all....

Many female designers perceive that their male counterparts have won more industry honors and are featured more prominently in magazines. On television, they note, advice on style and design is almost invariably sought from a vibrantly gay man - witness "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," the new "Isaac" talk show with Isaac Mizrahi on the Style channel and "Project Runway" on Bravo, which began its second season on Wednesday night. Its cast of 16 includes 8 male contestants, 7 of them gay, a spokesman for Bravo said....

Of the young American designers most embraced by retailers and celebrated in the fashion press in recent years, the roll call is almost exclusively male: Zac Posen, Marc Jacobs, Narciso Rodriguez and Mr. Som as well as Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez of Proenza Schouler. Their female contemporaries have had a harder time breaking through, among them Behnaz Sarafpour, Alice Roi and Ms. Subkoff.

"Gay men stick together like a band of brothers," Ms. Subkoff said in an interview. "It's more common for a man to bring up a younger assistant" who is male "and be proud of that," she added, "whereas a woman would be threatened" to promote another woman.
Isn't that a classic stereotype about women? We don't trust each other!
In some quarters, the perception exists that fashion's main consumers, women, are more comfortable taking advice about how they should look from a man. "Men are often better designers for women than other women," said Tom Ford, the former creative director of Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent.... "Of course there are many more gay male designers," Mr. Ford said. "I think we are more objective. We don't come with the baggage of hating certain parts of our bodies."
We don't trust each other!
Michael Vollbracht, the current designer of Bill Blass, said he believes that gay men are demonstrably superior at design, their aesthetic formed by a perception of a woman as an idealized fantasy. "I come from a time when gay men dressed women," Mr. Vollbracht said. "We didn't bed them. Or at least I didn't. I am someone who is really pro-homosexual. I am an elitist. I am better than straight people. Women are confused about who they want to be. I believe that male designers have the fantasy level that women do not."
We can -- we do -- trust gay men. Is that the answer?

Maybe this is the best explanation:
The large number of visible gay men in fashion, say many in the industry, traces to the fact that Seventh Avenue has seemed a less homophobic career choice than, say, law enforcement or Wall Street. And the prominence of gay men enjoying fame and prosperity draws others into the field.
A lot of women are drawn into fashion too. But it may be that the most competitive and talented women are spread out into many fields, while a very large proportion of the most competitive and talented gay men choose fashion. Still, discrimination against women may well result. The chances seem high that these men, once there, benefit their own kind. Why should ambitious gay men be any different from any other sort of ambitious human being?
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06-07-25 02:09操作

再看看这篇文章,世界级的gay fashion designer,

孤陋寡闻的我知道牌子就这么多,Perry Ellis,Todd Oldham,Gianni Versace,Alexander McQueen, Calvin Klein, Christian Dior, Giancarlo Giammetti, Giorgio Armani


Gay fashion designers

Although I have cited “The Advocate,” a major U.S. publication catering to homosexuals, on the gay domination of the fashion business, some people read so superficially that they would accuse me of using nothing other than my own assurance and pictures of the faces and physiques of fashion models to argue that the fashion business is dominated by gays, and this in spite of my quoting the following statement published in the Advocate:

To observe that gay men and lesbians dominate the fashion business may seem about as controversial as saying that Russians rule Moscow.

The tone of the statement above connotes pride, which shouldn’t be surprising given that plenty of gays are proud of being homosexual.  Below, you will find some excerpts from Fred Goss in the 1997 issue (June 10, volume 735) of the Advocate that I have cited.

Few industries are seen as gayer than fashion. Stereotypes aside, the world of couture has indeed been molded by the vast numbers of gay men and lesbians working in the industry. Yet Seventh Avenue and its European counterparts remain strangely closeted. We’ve charted some of the brightest lights who’ve made no secret of their sexuality. But that’s not all: In our cover story, on page 28, we meet the guru of Gucci, Tom Ford; menswear maverick Gene Meyer gets the spotlight on page 37; and jewelers Jelena Behrend and Trisha Alkaitis tell all on page 39. Each is compelling proof that fashion owes its very life to the gay sensibility.

I have bolded a sentence above because of its importance.  Goss went on to list some big gay names in the fashion world within the past few decades:

Kevyn Aucoin: His book The Art of Makeup left no doubt that he is, above all, an artist. His canvas just happens to be a woman’s face. Who could dispute that he’s the heir apparent to Way Bandy (see below)?

Way Bandy: The master of maquillage. In his hands the makeup brush, sponge, or wand became a true tool of transformation. His AIDS-related death robbed the cosmetics field of a genius.

John Bartlett: One of today’s most “in” designers, he’s also one of the most “out.” Bartlett’s unapologetically gay stance in the often-closeted world of fashion makes him one of our heroes.

Mr. Blackwell: As Mae West might have said, when he’s good he’s very, very good, but when he’s bad he’s better. This merry viper has turned fashion criticism into a comic--if often deadly--art.

Raymond Dragon: In an era of the designer as media star, Dragon embodies the porn star as designer. His revealing clothes look great on those who have the body--like Dragon, a sometime Colt model--for making porn.

Perry Ellis: Perhaps the most notorious AIDS death in fashion was that of this great American innovator in sportswear. Ellis was to Seventh Avenue what George M. Cohan was to Broadway: a Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Jean-Paul Gaultier: He’s been called the enfant terrible of fashion for so long, you wonder how much of an enfant he could still be. The king of sci-fi fashion, Gaultier drew his inspiration from his mother’s foundation garments. And you wondered why he had Madonna wearing her undies on the outside of that nice suit.

Halston: Halston was the first designer-as-celebrity--not for him the obscurity of the faceless couturiers who labored unseen in their workrooms. Halston’s society connections helped make him, and he in turn helped remake society. Go ask Liza.

David LaChapelle: Blessed with a sort of gay Midas touch, LaChapelle defies the classic contention that photography isn’t really art. His vivid, offbeat photos often make his largely heterosexual subjects look like camp icons.

Bob Mackie: Since the `60s he has produced the glitziest costumes on TV, giving many Americans their most consistent exposure to the world of fashion. With his trademark baubles, bangles, and beads, he has dressed all our favorite network divas--from Cher to Carol Burnett.

Law Mizrahi: He’s the garmento elevated to the level of movie star. His revealing star turn in the documentary Unzipped earned him scores of new fans. Known for a vivacious use of color and an uptown-meets-downtown sensibility, he’s the designer you’d be happy to take home to Mom.

Thierry Mugler: Like fellow Parisian Gaultier, Mugler has a taste for the surreal. As much carnival as couture, his shows are notable for the inclusion of such porn stars as Jeff Stryker among his fantastically clad models. Where leather is concerned, no other designer has given us a bigger twist on Tom of Finland.

Todd Oldham: Propelled to New York by his talent for making--in true Texas fashion--bad taste look deluxe, Oldham made an MTV-flavored name for himself as the hottest purveyor of kitschy, campy, funky thrift-shop chic.

Willi Smith: Smith--our biggest black designer and one of fashion’s greatest AIDS losses--took the look of the “street” and made it fashionable. Neither fashion nor the street has ever looked the same since.

Andre Leon Talley: This star maker’s acute sense of what’s hot and what’s not in fashion--developed at Women’s Wear Daily and Vogue as well as at Interview--has made him the Diana Vreeland of the `90s. Can a one-man Broadway show be far behind?

Gianni Versace: Since the `70s his mission has been to dress his female clients like high-class hookers. Versace’s a favorite of rockers and Hollywood types of both sexes, patrons who could vouch for the truth in Dolly Parton’s line “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap!”

Bruce Weber: He built a career on the glorification of male beauty. A true auteur of still photography, Weber spawned a generation of models who would rather die than make eye contact with the camera.

Although it is not mentioned above, Halston also died of AIDS.  Lesbians are nowhere as prominent among top-ranked fashion designers as the statement about gays and lesbians dominating the fashion business implies, but the author is likely trying to not give the impression that the contribution of lesbians is less than that of gays.

More big-name fashion designers in the 20th century who also happen(ed) to be homosexual are mentioned below.

Alexander McQueen
Calvin Klein (bisexual but mostly leaning toward homosexuality)
Christian Dior
Cristóbal Balenciaga
Domenico Dolce
Giancarlo Giammetti
Giorgio Armani
Norman Hartnell
Rudi Gernreich
Stefano Gabbana
Valentino Garavani
Yves Saint Laurent

The gay influence behind fashion is not just in terms of fashion designers:

In his book Hard to Imagine, Thomas Waugh argues that before the advent of gay liberation there was a “highly interconnected trans-Atlantic web of gay intelligentsia and denizens of high Bohemia,” which included men such as Noël Coward, Cecil Beaton, George Hoyningen Huene, Jean Cocteau, and Horst, and which operated to define the image of glamor in the London and New York worlds of fashion, design, and show business.

Ross Higgins, in his study of gay men’s involvement in fashion in Montreal, has shown that gay men were involved at all levels of the fashion industry there. The same is undoubtedly true throughout North America and Western Europe.

Increasingly men began to be portrayed as sexual objects in advertising. Calvin Klein’s huge billboard advertisement for underwear is only the most famous example of this trend. New magazines aimed at a wider, heterosexual male consumer were published, but even here a gay influence could be perceived. It was not just that gay designers were creating the looks, but gay stylists, hairdressers, and photographers all exerted a fashion influence. (source)

Those interested in why homosexual men dominate the fashion business should read this.

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06-07-25 15:23操作
以下是引用海延在2006-7-25 3:28:00的发言:
歪果,怎么能收看到?CCTV 4 要装DISH吧?

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06-07-25 15:25操作
以下是引用小背心在2006-7-25 4:16:00的发言:


真的很难体会这种感觉, “每天回家我都要用很长时间来找回自我”。 [em14]


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