csu hayward and csu san jose is your better choice ba, at least it is not so far away as csu san francisco. csu san jose's mba one program is very easy to get into ah, i know someone got into it this year with a poor gmat and a poor gpa ah.
as to accounting, san jose state u 's accounting is best in bay area, but is also very hard to get into, u can see that 90% of its students this year already got a u.s degree, and most of them double degree holders. csu hayward's mba has accounting option. but I also know a friend who graduated from san jose accounting three years ago,who is a f1 holder, only got a chinese company offer with low pay cause she has to apply for h1b. so if u want to get into this hot career now, think over, many green card mms plan to get into this career nowadays, and the accounting majors say that the law will be modified in a couple of years.