好紧张,之前跟老公准备要宝宝的时候就约了ob, 不过也还有2周时间。
Due day is 3/15, Had HCG test twice.
first: 3060
second: 36500
Doctor says it is very well. Hope everything works out :-)
LD and I also long distance.
Exactly the same. Hand~~
Mine : 3/15
I didn't use QQ for years. :(
内检不疼。pap smear有的时候会疼,主要看医生的手轻手重了。
我怕刺激子宫颈,所以准备怀孕前一个月在primary care doctor那里做了,怀孕以后就可以省了。
Pat Pat mm.
My husband visited me during the weekend (we are long distance). I was feeling so bad, almost nausea all day. He had to stay home with me in bed all day long.
When we chat online before, he didn't know it was so bad. Now he know how hard I am.
I hope this goes away after 12 weeks. I am now 9 weeks. It is really bad at work, especially when I am busy and need to have meeting with others. :(
我的due date现在是3月3号,麻烦斑竹改一下,谢谢。2月份那个是自己根据最后一次yj来算得,后来去做ultrasound医生说要晚一个星期。
另外,first trimester screening在超过12周做晚吗?我约的是12周4天的时候。
Just had ultrasound this morning.
The date I calculated is 9wks 3days. The baby measured 9wks 5 days. measures 2.86cm.
Heart rate is 195bpm, which is so high. Is it normal?
So excited, finally see the little guy or gal? :P
Totally agree. Since I had nausea since wk5, I would worry if the nausea is not serious in some days.
So if you don't have it, it is so lucky of you.
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