


引用: insubuy insubuy is offline Sponsor

Thank you for purchasing the insurance from us.

We have not been able to find out any concrete information in regards to the questions you have asked.

Primary reasons:

1. Government does not have to inform private insurance agents regarding what they are doing or offering to the consumers. We are not sure who to ask or who would know, if anyone.

2. Government expects 65+ to be enrolled into Medicare. New immigrants that didn't have 40 quarters credit and thus can't enroll into Medicare is so small portion of overall population that no one is paying attention to that or explicitly clarifying that.

However, one thing I can tell you that: Medicare enrollment eligibility rules and green card sponsor's obligations regarding not taking any government assistance have not changed.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that such elderly immigrants would qualify for any such benefits.

If we come to know of any new information, we will be glad to post it here.