Becker is enough for you to pass the exam. and it's a very good choice if you do not have enough time to prepare since the books summarize all the key points and use a very friendly way to explain. What I would like to suggest if you choose becker is that you may want to read thoroughly the whole book and cannot miss any words or pages.
The first point is absolutely correct. I spent 3 months preparing for the exam and did almost all of the practice questions and essays (seen in the old paper and pencil exam format) provided by the Becker books. Those were commonly seen in a CPA exam.
Even though the passing score for each section is 75, when I was going through the Becker practice exam for each sub-section, I always tried to get at least 85-90 before I stop practicing that section.
Regarding books, I didn’t really read that much. For each sub-section, I would read the Becker book once before I started the practicing exam for that section, unless I needed a particular reference from the book.
Yes, you have to purchase the becker books from Becker (URL:
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