Why don't you call your doctor (OB/GYN) first to get assurance that this baby is going to healthy and then make more informative decision.

Sometimes you need to compromise between your family and career, sooner or later. So MM needs to ask yourself deep in your heart what do you want. Once you make decision, no change mind, no regret.

If you do choose to keep this baby, congratulation, and consider to hire a live-in nanny to take 2 kids. You may save some money ($200-300) if you do your own cleaning. And take advantage of 2nd Yuezi (lie in for the 1st month) to recover your health. And MM can consider to find a job with your master degree. It is very difficult for 2 Ph.Ds to find jobs in the same places anyway.

If you have to give up due to medical concern, take it as a lesson and work hard to put your life on track so next time the choice will be easier.

And remember that nothing worths more than an understanding, supportive and loving LG la. And your mom just wants to see you live a easier life.