Thanks for sharing!
TIP: 可以将$1500存成CD, 这样既拿利息, 又免月费----开一个CD,从checking存入1500,都在你的名下, cd 和 checking combine在一起, 可以online 操作. 现在citi的cd 利息可以和ing抗衡了.
是从我自己的帐号下面open 一个新的cd帐户,从checking里面把钱转进去就行了吗?怎么算是把他们combine在一起?我有点点糊涂,麻烦你告诉我一下,谢谢
I called the citi, this tip still works. I have the same question, how can I combine my accounts together to maintain the combined banlance above $1500? The live chat told me I have to request account linked by telephone, but the customer service told me it's not necessary since I opened my accounts all from so the accouns should have been linked already. I'm confused.
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