以下是引用pureshark在2009-9-17 12:02:00的发言:
okay... I failed! My number is 144 >130, so I have to take 3 hours test.
Anybody can explain to me how three hours test work? Fasting will be required, but how to define fasting? If I go for the test in the morning, when should I stop eating?
Then will I be asked to drink the sugar water every hour or just one time drink? Then do I have to pass each number after every hour, or I only need to be lower the the final number after 3 hours?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-9-17 12:17:31编辑
I believe u can have dinnerv the night before, Just no breakfast thecnext morning. You will only beef to drink one glucose drink and have your blood sugar level tested after 3 hrs.
Good luck.