morning, after 1 hour no water, just morning morning??
bose? we bought that 1yr ago. hubby likes it when mowing the lawn. in plant use it. that's all. not often, but he likes it then it's worthy.
i actually very easy to buy a lot of stuff, so if my husband wants to buy something kind of useless, i usually let him buy it. glad that he doesn't have so many crazy ideas :D
i only count the deal money carefully. huh. so bad.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/9 11:20:33编辑过]
too 正规 le!!!! :O what's the day care price rang in your place? here is 1k+ to 1800k. my friend in atl is about 200 less.
great price!
how can you get the gym buck??? so envy you!!
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