should I just tell her that I don't want to do the business anymore?
她跳票的话你也会被银行罚钱的。还是把check寄回去取消交易吧,寄回去的时候别忘了delivery confirmation,省得有人不认账。
I didn't know...
I mentioned at another post that I responded to a MM's post about EL samples. several days later she sent a msg to me and wanted to discuss about buying the samples through email. I thought she was the MM who I responded the post. Anyway, I now know that she even dispute the charge on paypal and is a little worried about the check situation.
It's funny that when she first know that she needed to mail me a check because i have no paypal, she asked me to cover her postage of the check. man, this is complicated.
MM, I always pay with checks, but I am always good with paying...
I actually just want to shred the check, but she may ask it back from me.
而且我觉得换班受骗的mm可以联合起来去paypal report她阿
不明白这个mm明不明白这个道理啊?—— 她的名字和地址被骗得mm都是有的,真要是想整她,可以把她往死里整啊。。。。
I sent her an email to cancel the deal already and asked if she wants me to shred the check or mail it back to her. She is on gmail, but didn't respond to me.
I can't really report her because at this stage I can't say that she cheated me anything. However, she definitely messed up her own "credit" on this BBS.
我终于要忍不住回帖了,都要笑死了,,,这人真TMD JP。。。。。。。。。。
I probably have to send her a stamp for cancelling the deal.
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