已经毕业在家消极颓废了倆月了, 一个鸡肋一样的组织学硕士, 三流学校, 真不知该如何开始找工作. 我可能太孤陋寡闻了, 就想看看这里的姐妹们有没有专业类似的, 人力资源, 组织行为咨询的, 互相鼓励交流一下吧:)
已经毕业在家消极颓废了倆月了, 一个鸡肋一样的组织学硕士, 三流学校, 真不知该如何开始找工作. 我可能太孤陋寡闻了, 就想看看这里的姐妹们有没有专业类似的, 人力资源, 组织行为咨询的, 互相鼓励交流一下吧:)
Many thanks to musicbox:) Your advice is really helpful.My work experience in China was in another filed, but I got quite a few consulting projects done in organization development while I was in grad school.I feel organization development is such a niche market which has few opportunities for international students. Anyway, I will follow your tips and give it a try!
Great post, Musicbox:) I totally agree with you and thank you so much for sharing this with me:) I saw a few international students who have headed for training positions after school. I guess the current challenge for me is just how to search opportunities and step in the industry first. Do you have any advice on this one? I admit that I have sometimes self-doubting the prospect of this major, but still I will hang on with it and thanks again:)
Thanks again for your kind tips. I have heard about this website, but never fully used it yet. I will go there and have a look:) Wish you my best too!
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