以下是引用cherished在2006-4-26 23:39:00的发言:
最近一个星期以来, 我额头上长了特别多的痘,刚刚数了一下,大大小小有近100个。我平时也偶尔长痘,但是也就最多3,4个,最近真是大爆发阿。
我先在什么都不敢用了,早上洗脸用cetaphil的normal to oily, 然后用少量的Dr. Hauschka的moisturizer, 晚上用Dr. Hauschka的cleasing cream洗脸,然后什么都不涂.
Are they like little/ tiny particles? If so, I got them on my forehead once...for sure it can be hundreds of them....
By the way, cetaphil的normal to oily is much worse than the gentle formulation! I suggest you use the gentle one. When I used the normal-to-oily version, it irrated my skin around my mouth....