你这种cover他的想法就不对..那种也是中国人互相cover就不对.本来是他一个人look ugly..最后会变成你们两个人look ugly..更是中国人look ugly...公事公办..关键时刻要favor整个team...不要心软.
The review is awful. I got the "disconnected" comment simply because the case i wanted to cover others. It isn't a big deal but it is so fresh.
In fact, i rewrote the stuff for him yesterday and I worked until 1:15 am so we can test it again and push it into hotfix of this weekend.
No one appreciated my effort.
I don't even want to sign the review sheet.
i have good relation with my former boss, the EVP, so if I am considered her person, I cannot argue.
I don't want to involve in any political fight.
My only worry is if it will hurt me in the future if i get a below average or average performance in my document.
Everyday when I open xiaofei's backpack, I just pray there is not an envolope with family Assignment in it.
Hate homework.
Can you ask another dentist? My neighbour's child has 10 holes too. But his dentist said he can hold it to fix them around 4-5 years old.
Now he is 2.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/23 0:46:09编辑过]
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