上学的时候还每年到校医院做physical exam, blood test, gynaecology exam, eye exam...
但是工作了以后就懒得去了。公司也不组织,还要自己找primary doctor. 真是麻烦。不知道jms都是怎么弄得。找primary doctor有特别要注意的吗?
上学的时候还每年到校医院做physical exam, blood test, gynaecology exam, eye exam...
但是工作了以后就懒得去了。公司也不组织,还要自己找primary doctor. 真是麻烦。不知道jms都是怎么弄得。找primary doctor有特别要注意的吗?
En. It's so tough to face those things. Sometime just cann't imagine what I will do if that happens to me. I was not in good health condition when I was a ki, so,very careful with my health now. That's why I am worried just because I did not take physical exam in almost two years.hehe
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