以下是引用queenhoo在2006-3-27 15:20:00的发言:
觉得关于自己专业知识和技能的问题比较好回答,毕竟有货阿, 可是一些behavior 方面 and 负面的问题就比较难了。
这里列出几个, 看看大家好建议,谢谢
1. what do you like the least of your present/most recent job?
talk about the difference between your current job and the interview company. Emphasize what the interview company has while your current employer doesn't. If it is just a matter of money, you can say that the current company does not value their employee as much as xxx. and you want to work in an environment where you are appreciated.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-29 1:46:20编辑过]