以下是引用孙小猴在2007-11-13 23:27:00的发言:懂了但是不喜欢, 就可以装糊涂啊,
就好像我知道李安如此铺陈安排的匠心所在, 但是我不是他粉丝, 我不喜欢这题材, 个中情愫也不对我胃口,
我就说你这是三级, 就说你这是卖国, 怎么了呢?
看见很多评论, 喜欢用什么"懂不懂"来辩驳别人对此片床戏尺度和立意取材的质疑, 实在是觉得很没有必要. 我不相信那些说三级和卖国的人, 就真的全都不明白李安想说什么, 只是懒得听他说而已.
王佳芝 suffered from everyone around her ,not only her family, her relatives, her first love( Mr. Kuang), her classmates, and also Old Wu, except Old YI .
That’s it.
We see the whole picture without any historical or political view.
We see the whole picture without any historical or political view.
That's why I don't like this movie.
The topic itself is way too old and so not natural.
The story teller himself dosen't have the confidence to complete the story. He had to push it to the extreme to make you agree that this woman has lust of being loved.
张爱玲自己一家都是汉奸,不只前夫胡兰成是辅助汪精卫的汉奸,外曾祖父李鸿章也是.She made up a story to go defense for her past history and An LEE helped her to extend it.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-14 16:20:12编辑过]