以下是引用frankincense在5/22/2010 9:45:00 AM的发言:
In most cases, dilution is not neccessary if not on open wound(s).
In the event of bruises, rosemary or ginger in lowdoses (i.e. 2drops in a tea spoon of lotion)would be more appropriate.
I would use tea tree in cold lavender floral water, shake it well n compress with gauze for burns.
Hope these info helps
In most cases, dilution is not neccessary if not on open wound(s).
In the event of bruises, rosemary or ginger in lowdoses (i.e. 2drops in a tea spoon of lotion)would be more appropriate.
I would use tea tree in cold lavender floral water, shake it well n compress with gauze for burns.
Hope these info helps
借lz的帖子问一下,我腿上有两个冬天热水袋烫伤起泡后留下的疤。颜色很深,最近在用精油涂,我用的就是法国高地薰衣草+rose hip 基底油,每次1滴在疤上按摩。为了好吸收,我这两天按摩时间长了一点,大概5分钟吧(不过好像油还是不可能完全吸收到一点都看不到的状态)。