whole foods偶尔会有. 也不贵. 不过喷脸上的(Rose Water & Glycerin 4 fl. oz.) 比较难找到, 通常架上都是喷身体或头发的(Rose Water 4 fl. oz.:
Use as a perfume or body splash, add to your hair rinse or bath water, or try as a gourmet flavoring. You can also combine with therapeutic oils to make your own unique complexion formula. *Certified by peridic laboratory test to be free of pesticide residues. Contains: Water( filtered and deionized) and hydroessential Rose oil.)
喷脸上的(Rose Water & Glycerin 4 fl. oz.) :Contains: Water( filtered and deionized), Natural Vegetable Glycerin and hydroessential Rose oil
花茶贴里的wildroots也有: http://www.wildroots.com/flower-waters-c-212_220.html
smartbomb 还更便宜 : http://www.smartbomb.com/076970443710.html
跟Thayer - Witch Hazel Rose Pedal Toner Thayer比如何呢?
Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Formula, alcohol free skin softening toner. Over 120 years ago, Rose Thayer, niece of Henry Thayer M.D., developed an all natural recipe for extra-soft, youthful-looking skin. As she aged, many would comment on how she always looked 10 years younger than she was. Now, for the first time, her secret formula of Rose Petal water blended with Witch Hazel extract, aloe Vera and Vitamin E, is being made available. Hydrates dry skin, moisturizes delicate skin. Rose's secret to looking 10 years younger,ànaturally. Ingredients: Purified Rose Water, Thayers Proprietary Witch Hazel Extract, Aloe Vera, vitamin E Acetate, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Butylene Glycol (humectants used to attract moisture), Methylparaben (a gentle yet safe preservative), Polysorbate 20 (an emulsifier derived from Coconut Oil), and an All-Natural Fragrance. Aloe Vera, Vitamin E. Does not contain Alcohol.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-2 16:13:12编辑过]