Scientific studies
One of the most cited studies of the pharmacological effects of Vitex was carried out by Haller at the University of Gottingen in the early 1960s. Female Guinea pigs were given Vitex tincture orally at normal to high dose for 90 days.3 At the end of this time the animals were examined for any changes in organ structure or weight. It was concluded that at normal doses Vitex clearly demonstrated a decrease of oestrogen effects and an increase of progesterone effects. This effect was mediated through the pituitary gland: Follicle Stimulating Hormone secretion was decreased and Lutenizing Hormone and Prolactin secretion were increased. Consistent with this hypothesis, corpus luteal development and glandular proliferation in breast tissue were enhanced and follicular development and uterine weight were slightly decreased.
看样子,可能有刺激pituitary gland(脑垂体)的作用,或许跟这个有关?