第一个选择是Penny Price 的远程教学.简介是这样子的:
Distance Learning Diploma in Aromatherapy
The Distance Learning Diploma in Aromatherapy is a four-module programme that has been designed for students who would prefer to study in their own time with constructive guidance from Academy. The learning is based on the course notes provided, background reading of aromatherapy text books and practical observation and performance of the massage techniques demonstrated on DVD. The course notes are presented by email or general mail, depending on the student’s preference.
The student will need to complete each module and the required assessments successfully before proceeding to the next module. Advice is offered at every stage of the course to ensure that the student is kept on-track and enabling the student to produce a high standard of work. A qualification in anatomy and physiology is necessary before the Diploma can be awarded. The Anatomy and Physiology Certificate Course can also be completed using distance learning methods.
Upon successful completion of the Distance Learning Diploma in Aromatherapy a Diploma in Aromatherapy will be awarded. The Diploma can be posted or presented at a special graduation ceremony, depending on the student’s request. Students are advised to take between 12 and 36 months to complete all modules, although students are not penalised for taking longer. While studying, the student may apply for insurance supplied by accrediting bodies as a student practitioner.
On receipt of the completed application form and fee, the text for the first module of the Diploma course will be despatched. We do regret that no refunds can be issued once the student has purchased the course. Postage and packing for the UK is free, however students living abroad will be notified of the postage costs before despatch and charged accordingly. We are able to offer tutor support, via email or telephone so the student feels less isolated and can receive help and encouragement at any time during the learning process.
The IAM considers distance learning qualifications as valid without further study and would be happy to incorporate holders of the Distance Learning Diploma in Aromatherapy into their organisations.
After completion of the Distance Learning Diploma in Aromatherapy it is possible to undertake further training to upgrade your qualification for full membership of the IFPA, which would include extra study and examinations in theoretical and practical work. Completion of these additional elements entitles the student to full membership and full insurance cover at a lower premium with the IFPA. Successful candidates will be awarded a further certificate of study.
(Please note that overseas students may belong to the IFPA and the IAM but will not be eligible for insurance. Insurance must be sought in the country where the student is residing and practicing).
3.介绍中提到要参加extra study and examinations in theoretical and practical work,才可以被IFPA承认,不知道这个extra study是不是要到英国本土去学?我正在写email咨询.
第一家是Dynamis Holistic Academy,
这家的教学内容是针对IFA认证的diploma,Principal是Mrs Joanna Hoare, 好像有点名气的样子.Head of Training是Mr Cedric Chow,1997年拿到IFA认证的芳疗师资格,曾受训于Tisserand institute of Aromatherapy.因为他家提供了training faculty的资料,所以让我好感大增.
另外一家是aroma Art.他们也是针对IFA的资格认证安排课程的.这家引起我的好感主要是因为它在台北和高雄也有分校,所以感觉reputation还不错的样子.可是它家的课是晚上六点半开始,那我要很早离开实验室了,容易被老板抓到呢.另外我也正在写信询问他们的training instructors是什么背景.