MM, don't worry about it. The body will consume the remains and recover by itself soon. If you are not so sure about it, just keep on seeing a doctor for more details. But take it easy and do not worry much.

Sorry I can not type Chinese.

I am not a doctor but I know what you had been through. The same case happened to my previous roommate a month ago.  Her situation was more severe than yours when she went to see campus doctor. The burst ovarian cyst had caused blood congestion in her abdomen for nearly a week before she felt uncomfortable pain. (We including herself just simply thought she put on some weight on her belly as it grew bigger in those days.)  Campus doctor found that her blood level was pretty low due to the burst ovarian cyst and sent her directly to the emergency room of a big hospital. But there she was turned down for emergent treatment since doctors said it was no big deal and they had some more urgent cases to deal with. She spent around two days waiting in the hospital but got nothing. The doctors kept saying the body would recover by itself soon. So at last she came back home and took some medicine recommended by campus doctor. Several days later, she recovered successfully and the belly congestion disappeared.

In her case, she hadn't got periods for several moths before that occurred. (Campus doctors even suspected that she got pregnant before the right diagnosis. ) That's the cause of the bursting of ovarian cyst. I don't know if this applies to your case. If yes, then you may need to do sth to get normal period from now forward. Otherwise, do keep seeing doctors and check with the them for the potential causes and solutions.

Anyway, hope this could help. Do take good care of yourself.