以下是引用dido在2006-7-13 19:52:00的发言:Financial advisor = Sales,most of their fin products are insurance...............
The requirements for education are not high, but you should have strong communication ability..........
Normally they don't sponsor H1-B and no basic salary...............What you earn will depend on your commission, the more you sell, the more you get.
Actually it's not a bad career for Americans, I know some people earn millions dollars per year, but it's not very suitable for us foreign students because you don't have big network.
But I still suggest you attend this interview because you just start to hunt job and it's important to get more information by many ways in the beginning.
上周六去参加了 presentation, 之后做了Career Suitability Test, 然后让我周一等通知看能否进入下一轮面试。虽然不想去这个公司,还是想把下面的过程走完。周一早上接到 HR的电话让我下午去面试,约好3点钟, 我到后, 却让我等了20多分钟。
面试官问了我6个问题,说话速度非常快, 有2个问题我都让她重复一遍, 还有一个问题让她解释一下, 她支吾了半天。没多长时间她的问题就问完了, 问我有什么问题没有。 当时我想这次面试玩完了,想拎着抱回家了, 但想着开车走高速35分钟, 加上等的20分钟, 这样就走人太不划算了,于是就绞尽脑汁问了许多问题, 最后我说,我没有问题了。 她说, 你等几分钟。
3分钟后, 之前跟我联系的那个HR过来了, 告诉我, 我通过了前面的面试,问我有没有空进行Prospecting Call Simulation. 她告诉我每个电话都要按照指定的Procedure, 不然就Fail了。第一个电话的对方是个年轻人,说话的语气让我很不舒服,我太紧张,5分钟就讲完了; 到后面两个电话就好多了。
3分钟后,HR出来, 告诉我通过了, 问我什么时候可以进行下面的Interview, 想着和牙医约好了拔牙, 就约好周五下午Marketing plan和final interview.
这份工作没有Base salary,在Vault上看了这个工作的评论,没有一条是好的。 如果10周没有5 clients, 就要被开除, 据说每年约有1/3~1/2辞职或被开除的. 觉得这样的公司太Low moral了。