It really depends on your preference and financial ability. The most important thing is not to stress yourself while preparing wedding. Do what is most comfortable for both of you. Anyway, wedding is just a ceremony. The commitment to love and support each other for the rest of your life is what really matters.

I know there will be some conflicts during preparation. In my situation, it is not the money. (my fiancee's dad is very nice and offered to pay for wedding). He wanted it to be a big event inviting all friends/family, but my fiancee and I just wanted a small wedding inviting only a handful of close familiy members. We are trying to do things that accomodate both needs. But we know that both of paritis will have to compromise somehow. Regardless,  try to do whatever you feel comfortable. It does not have to go with any style/size, it is your wedding and you decide what is a must and what can be skipped. Good luck!