大牛们,请问给父亲填485有问题,我先生,我妈妈 爸爸住一起。 size of your household, 我是算爸爸,妈妈,我 写3么?不算我老公了对么?
大牛们,请问给父亲填485有问题,我先生,我妈妈 爸爸住一起。 size of your household, 我是算爸爸,妈妈,我 写3么?不算我老公了对么?
谢谢回复啊! 我问的是485的部分。485 官网解释如下62 : 我主要困惑在children这里, 我理解是未成年的子女需要算是不是? 那这种情况就是我父亲和我母亲, household算2个人。我主要不明白算不算我。 我今年30+
For Part 8., Item Number 62., the following individuals are members of your household and should be includes in your household size:
• You;
• Your spouse, if physically residing with you;
• Your parents, if physically residing with you;
• Your unmarried siblings under 21 years of age, if physically residing with you;
• Your children as defined in INA 101(b)(1), if physically residing with you; 这个部分是说未成年子女吧
• Any other individuals (including a spouse or child not physically residing with you) who are listed as dependents on your federal income tax return; and
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