赞👍 多谢科普
赞👍 多谢科普
前 4 种疫苗接种后有效期是终生吗?还是有限的,过一段时间需要打 booster?
还有, 疟疾 和 黄热病 的疫苗 也挺有意义的。前段时间有个国内女生到非洲,结果染上疟疾没救过来。
(女生加入“非漂”大军 26岁染疟疾亡 https://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2024/05/13/125565260.html)
> 。。。 比较有意思的一个,是他从女儿Jeryl Lynn 身上收集到了流行性腮腺炎(Mumps)的病毒。1963年Jeryl才5岁,被传染得了腮腺炎。当时已经是晚上了,Hilleman马上回实验室取了工具,收集了女儿喉咙的分泌物,进行体外细胞培养,成果分离出病毒,制成减活疫苗。
好奇这个 “回实验室取了工具”,“体外细胞培养” 具体是指什么,google 了一下。。。 (话说楼主真是博学。。。)
Maurice Hilleman woke suddenly.
It was near 1 a.m. on March 23, 1963, when his 5-year-old daughter, Jeryl Lynn, tottered into the bedroom and announced that she was feeling unwell. Her throat was swollen, and she was hot with a fever.
Hilleman, an esteemed microbiologist—who, over the course of his career, would develop more than 40 vaccines that would save millions of lives—made an educated guess that she was sick with mumps.
As a father, he saw a sick daughter he wanted to help. As a scientist, he saw an opportunity he didn’t want to miss. He got out of bed, jumped in his car, and cruised off in the middle of the night to his laboratory in the Philadelphia offices of the pharmaceutical company Merck.
A little while later, he returned home with a few cotton swabs and a vial of chicken broth.
He woke Jeryl Lynn, swabbed her throat, placed the samples in the chicken broth to keep the virus alive, and returned to his office to freeze the sample.
gigivivi 发表于 2024-08-26 16:43周健42岁英年早逝,没能看到自己的研究成果上市。
从文学城的评论看来的 https://www.wenxuecity.com/blog/201808/65329/16586.html
我觉得 感染性休克 可能来自院内感染,免疫力低了很难避免,可惜了
The cause of death was later reported to be toxic shock -- a diagnosis the medically trained Xiao-Yi is not happy with. "I still don't really know what happened," she said, her voice choked with emotion.
‘toxic shock' 应该是 ’septic shock‘
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